More and more I’m impressed with what frequency therapy has been able to do for me and my body. Keeping my body working lets me continue to do the things that I want to do. It let’s me keep up with my family,my kids and my hobbies. That’s a huge win! It helps keep my tendons moving and helps get through colds and other ailments. 


I know I’ve talked about this before, migraines and headaches are my kryptonite. When they hit, they can knock me out of commission. That’s really not fair to my family. For the longest time, the only way I had to get through them was to grab some Tylenol and sleep off the headache. With frequency therapy, I’m able to put it on the migraine or one of the other headache settings and let it go to work. Now, I’m not saying that it stops the pain in it’s tracks, that’s really asking a lot, it does dull the pain and helps me function and be there for the ones that need me most. That’s what really matters at those times. 


During those migraines that have light and sound sensitivity, the device helps calm the nerves so that things hurt less. Something I never could understand how much impact it had was a dog barking. During a migraine, a dog bark can really hurt. Once again, starting the right setting helps get it to a manageable level quickly and continues to work on helping the headache go away. 


To me, there is nothing more important than my family and being there for them. Frequency therapy has done much good for me and I wanted to be able to bring it to you. I’ve seen this help my wife and kids when they’re dealing with things. With over 800 settings, there’s always something that it can do. If you’re interested, check it out here at, and use my code ERIC100 to save some money. If not, no big deal!


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